Rapsodo Pitch Design

This program will utilize the Rapsodo insight and pitch tracker baseballs to identify parts of a player's mechanics and pitch repertoire that need development. Our staff will then build a program that fits the athletes throwing schedule with lower and higher intensity days to start correcting issues.

Slow motion release video will also be used to analyze release points for real time feedback and correction. This program will help each player know how to enhance their pitch repertoire and take it to a new level!

Please contact Coach Shane Donovan with any questions, shaned@forceelitebaseball.com

  • Days and Dates: Tuesdays 3/5-19 & Saturdays 3/9-23

  • Age: 11-14yrs

  • Time: Tuesdays 6-8pm & Saturdays 4-6pm

  • Price: $300

  • Max Players: 4


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